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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
From PHSea
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Revision as of 16:36, 7 November 2006 CARNNIE (Talk | contribs) ← Previous diff |
Current revision CARNNIE (Talk | contribs) |
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- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-1.jpg|thumb|320px|left|陽光殖民地就在中正路屈臣氏對面巷子內]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-2.jpg|thumb|320px|right|店外可愛的廣告招牌]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-3.jpg|thumb|320px|left|吧檯,適合單身客人獨飲、交友]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-4.jpg|thumb|320px|right|各式酒類]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-5.jpg|thumb|320px|left|老闆的收藏:各國貨幣]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-6.jpg|thumb|320px|right|埃及水煙的煙壺,高挑而富有曲線的瓶身,外觀上非常具有美感]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-7.jpg|thumb|320px|left|吧檯左側有兩台投影機,若有活動或國際賽事時,會開放使用,製造熱鬧氣氛]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-8.jpg|thumb|320px|right|吧檯前空間擺設]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-9.jpg|thumb|320px|left|靠窗的位置]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-10.jpg|thumb|320px|right|打上燈光的酒瓶,別具一番風味]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-11.jpg|thumb|320px|left|陽光殖民地招牌調酒"墨西哥勇士",入喉甘醇且後勁十足]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-12.jpg|thumb|320px|right|酒精濃度較低的「睡美人」,深受女性顧客青睞]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-13.jpg|thumb|320px|left|打上燈光的墨西哥勇士,是耀眼的黃]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-14.jpg|thumb|320px|right|燈光下的睡美人,層次分明,有種夢幻的感覺]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-15.jpg|thumb|320px|left|仙人掌冰釀,滿滿一大壺1000元,途中為原有份量的一半]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-16.jpg|thumb|320px|right|左邊為陳年版奇美,右邊為香蕉啤酒,皆為進口,250元/瓶,後者酒精濃度較低]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-17.jpg|thumb|320px|left|酒瓶造型燈]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-18.jpg|thumb|320px|right|店內的小DM,後面有小風車造型擺飾,很可愛]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-19.jpg|thumb|320px|left|左側包廂,空間寬廣,適合團體活動及談事情]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-20.jpg|thumb|320px|right|舒適的沙發]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-21.jpg|thumb|320px|left|珠簾能適度區隔空間]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-22.jpg|thumb|320px|right|右側包廂,較少使用,適合團體活動,或者心情不好想獨處的客人前來解悶]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-23.jpg|thumb|320px|left|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-24.jpg|thumb|320px|right|水煙壺造型擺設]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-25.jpg|thumb|320px|left|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-26.jpg|thumb|320px|right|有些客人會來此獨坐休息]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-27.jpg|thumb|320px|left|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-28.jpg|thumb|320px|right|這櫃子擺著一些外國進口的限量啤酒,將空瓶身留作紀念]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-29.jpg|thumb|320px|left|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-30.jpg|thumb|320px|right|圖中間便是埃及水煙壺全貌]] | + | |
- | [[Image:陽光殖民地-31.jpg|thumb|320px|left|伏特加--雪樹]] | + |