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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952

Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
From PHSea

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Revision as of 14:37, 11 April 2015
Mimicat (Talk | contribs)

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Mimicat (Talk | contribs)

Line 25: Line 25:
*早餐: *早餐:
**[[利樂拉早餐店]]  [[刈包店]]  [[二信飯糰]]  [[香亭土魠魚羹]]    **[[利樂拉早餐店]]  [[刈包店]]  [[二信飯糰]]  [[香亭土魠魚羹]]   
-**[[第二漁港米粉麵]] [[國軍英雄館前炸粿攤]]  [[北新橋牛雜湯]]+**[[第二漁港米粉麵]] [[國軍英雄館前炸粿攤|四眼井炸粿]]  [[北新橋牛雜湯]]
**[[桂佳早餐店]]   [[阿嬤鹹粥(魚粥)]]  [[百世多麗花園酒店自助式早餐]] **[[桂佳早餐店]]   [[阿嬤鹹粥(魚粥)]]  [[百世多麗花園酒店自助式早餐]]
*中午開始賣: *中午開始賣:
Line 33: Line 33:
**[[仁愛路肉圓]]  [[阿華滷味]]   [[馬小排骨麵]]   **[[仁愛路肉圓]]  [[阿華滷味]]   [[馬小排骨麵]]  
**[[馬公蛋黃麵]]  [[新一條龍小吃部]]  [[讚哥麵攤]]  [[黃金臭豆腐]]        **[[馬公蛋黃麵]]  [[新一條龍小吃部]]  [[讚哥麵攤]]  [[黃金臭豆腐]]       
-**[[鄉味雙拼飯]]  [[碼頭刀削麵]]  [[小鋪牛肉麵]]  [[甲貳石頭火鍋]]+**[[鄉味雙拼飯]]  [[碼頭刀削麵]]    [[甲貳石頭火鍋]]
**[[龍井珍珠奶茶]] [[菊島的足跡--行動咖啡車]]    [[案山冬季炸粿]]  **[[龍井珍珠奶茶]] [[菊島的足跡--行動咖啡車]]    [[案山冬季炸粿]] 
-**[[天后宮冷飲店]] [[漁人島故事冰]]  [[一鴻排骨飯]] [[百世多麗飯店港式飲茶吃到飽]] [[ 山東槓子頭]]+**[[天后宮冷飲店]] [[一鴻排骨飯]] [[百世多麗飯店港式飲茶吃到飽]] [[ 山東槓子頭]]
*下午開賣到宵夜: *下午開賣到宵夜:
-**[[中正路郵局蔥油餅]]  [[港務局碗粿]]  [[公車站大口香雞排]]  [[三哥香雞排]]+**[[中正路郵局蔥油餅]]  [[公車站大口香雞排]]  [[三哥香雞排]]
-**[[謝家肉餅]]  [[北甲QQ蛋]]  [[北甲宮香腸攤]]  [[馬路益燒肉飯]]  +**[[謝家肉餅]]  [[北甲QQ蛋]]  [[北甲宮香腸攤|阿豹香腸攤]]  [[馬路益燒肉飯]]  
**[[嘉嘉碳烤]]  [[北甲宮剉冰]]  [[黃毛丫頭東山鴨頭專賣店]] **[[嘉嘉碳烤]]  [[北甲宮剉冰]]  [[黃毛丫頭東山鴨頭專賣店]]
**[[西文祖師廟夜市火鍋店]]  [[阿發鹹酥雞]]  [[澎湖夜市--北甲宮夜市]] **[[西文祖師廟夜市火鍋店]]  [[阿發鹹酥雞]]  [[澎湖夜市--北甲宮夜市]]
**[[中央街摸乳茶]]  [[天后宮冷飲店]]炸黑糖糕  [[源羊肉]] **[[中央街摸乳茶]]  [[天后宮冷飲店]]炸黑糖糕  [[源羊肉]]
-**[[幀記碳烤]]+**[[幀記碳烤]]  [[滷大王麻辣燙]]
*土產好滋味: *土產好滋味:
**[[黑糖糕簡介|黑糖糕]]  [[冬瓜糕簡介|冬瓜糕]]  [[鹹餅簡介|鹹餅]]   **[[黑糖糕簡介|黑糖糕]]  [[冬瓜糕簡介|冬瓜糕]]  [[鹹餅簡介|鹹餅]]  
Line 48: Line 48:
**[[澎湖手工麵線]]  [[澎湖茼蒿]]  [[正一花生酥]]  [[水月堂黑糖糕]]   **[[澎湖手工麵線]]  [[澎湖茼蒿]]  [[正一花生酥]]  [[水月堂黑糖糕]]  
**[[新臺澎特產行]]  [[春仁黑糖糕]]  [[炸棗簡介|炸棗]]        **[[新臺澎特產行]]  [[春仁黑糖糕]]  [[炸棗簡介|炸棗]]       
-**[[官夫人花枝丸]]  [[新臺澎日本北海道干貝醬]]  [[后羿Q坊--澎湖麻糬]] +**[[官夫人花枝丸]]  [[新臺澎日本北海道干貝醬]]  
**[[花格海味-澎湖水產專賣店|花格海味-澎湖活凍水產/名產/伴手禮專賣店]] **[[花格海味-澎湖水產專賣店|花格海味-澎湖活凍水產/名產/伴手禮專賣店]]
**[[北海道澎湖海產特產專賣店/大順商行]]  [[黑潮紫菜花枝丸]] **[[北海道澎湖海產特產專賣店/大順商行]]  [[黑潮紫菜花枝丸]]
== '''馬公市區美食特色店家''' == == '''馬公市區美食特色店家''' ==
*[[桃太郎日本料理]]  [[蒙地卡羅咖啡館]]  [[傻愛莊]]   [[哈拉里咖啡]]      *[[桃太郎日本料理]]  [[蒙地卡羅咖啡館]]  [[傻愛莊]]   [[哈拉里咖啡]]     
-*[[鹿鼎小鎮]]  [[花菜干傳統式飲食堂]]  [[君彤茶園]]   [[望安茶房]]   +*[[鹿鼎小鎮]]  [[花菜干傳統式飲食堂]]   [[望安茶房|望安CAFE]]   
-*[[胖達簡餐]]  [[海星的故鄉]]  [[超速焗烤]]  [[弗洛伊得PUB]]+*[[胖達簡餐]]  [[海星的故鄉]]  [[弗洛伊得PUB|弗洛伊得音樂‧廚房]]
*[[陽光殖民地PUB]]  [[出軌PUB]]  [[澎湖蛋糕店]]    *[[陽光殖民地PUB]]  [[出軌PUB]]  [[澎湖蛋糕店]]   
*[[異麵店]](2008停止販售義大利麵,改為賣中式麵類)   *[[異麵店]](2008停止販售義大利麵,改為賣中式麵類)  
-*[[休閒T.K咖啡]]  [[澎湖西餐人文咖啡館]]  [[海龍王涮涮鍋]](已經歇業)+*[[戀戀澎湖露天庭園自助碳烤]]  [[魔豆小舖複合式烘焙坊]]
-*[[戀戀澎湖露天庭園自助碳烤]]  [[桔葉茶舍]]  [[魔豆小舖複合式烘焙坊]]+
*[[美德蛋糕店]]  [[馬公港漁人碼頭之瑞士角落]]  [[朵思咖啡簡餐]] *[[美德蛋糕店]]  [[馬公港漁人碼頭之瑞士角落]]  [[朵思咖啡簡餐]]
-*[[地中海義式餐廳(寶華飯店)]]  [[哈瓦那酒館]]  [[佳琪飯店西餐廳|佳期飯店西餐廳]](暫停營業)+*[[地中海義式餐廳(寶華飯店)]]  
-*[[百世多麗花園酒店西餐廳]]  [[陽光阿有餐飲店]](暫停營業)+*[[百世多麗花園酒店西餐廳]] 
== '''澎湖全縣美食主題分類''' == == '''澎湖全縣美食主題分類''' ==
*[[澎湖美食海鮮館]] [[美味路邊攤|澎湖美食路邊攤館]] [[傳統小吃店|澎湖美食地方小吃館]]  *[[澎湖美食海鮮館]] [[美味路邊攤|澎湖美食路邊攤館]] [[傳統小吃店|澎湖美食地方小吃館]] 

Current revision





